Review: The Car Accident House

November 3, 2020

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Review: The Car Accident House

The last visit of our 2020 haunt season was “The Car Accident House”. This home has created an oddly charming yard display that features the aftermath of a car accident, including a broken telephone pole and a house on fire. This macabre tale is told through fabricated scenery and multiple props.

The yard's centerpiece, a broken telephone pole, is a handmade prop and very realistic. Details, such as the texture of the pole (including splinters) and the missing cat flyer stapled to it, give it a very realistic appearance. The fire effect of the home is achieved through lighting effects that include flickering flames at the point of impact from the telephone pole. This is all made complete by a real car that has been parked at the pole's point of impact for the entire month of October. And to add an even more surreal touch, there is a clothed skeleton crouched on all fours holding a flickering lightbulb.

This home is very strange and fun. In all of our years of haunting we’ve never seen a yard display that features a broken telephone pole/car accident. This goes to show that there are always new and creative ideas that can be brought to life in home haunts.

November 03, 2020

#thecaraccidenthouse #hauntedhouse #hauntedmaze #haunted #maze #house #display #haunteddisplay #losangeles #la #silverlake #hauntsofla #halloween #socalhaunter

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HOLA - Telephone Pole House 3 sz.jpg